“Jagat” is a very important film for Tamil cinema in Malaysia, since, apart from taking over a decade to overcome issues with funding, due to its theme, it also changed the competition rules at the Malaysia Film Festival awards, which did not previously allowed films from minorities’ languages to compete.
Durasi. 76 Minutes
Producer : Sivanantham Perianan
Director & Writer : Shanjhey Kumar Perumal
Cinematographer : Senthil Kumaran Muniandy
Coming-of-age story about a boy growing up in a community of Tamil in Malaysia during the 1990sThe plot centers on Appoy a spirited kid who would rather watch gangster flicks and make prank calls than memorize his multiplication tables. Desperately trying to keep his son on the straight path, Appoy’s hard-working father becomes increasingly abusive, as the boy is inexorably drawn to the criminal lifestyle of his uncle, a henchman for a local Malaysian gang.
Award & Screening:
Best Malaysian Film 2016 (Malaysian Film Festival)
Best Film (Kuala Lumpur Critics Award)
Screened in New York Asian Film Festival,2016
In competition,New Asian Cinema, Five Flavours Film Festival,Poland 2016
Hanoi International Film Festival 2016
Luang Prabang International Film Festival 2016
Minihall Irama Indah, Denpasar
Jumat, 23 Februari 2018, jam 19:00
location map: http://tinyurl.com/iramaindah-map-3rdmfwRumah Film Sang Karsa, Buleleng
Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018, jam 20:00
location map: http://tinyurl.com/sangkarsa-map-3rdmfw