Anthembawu Rollfast
Anthembawu (Rollfast/ Indonesia/ 2020/ Documentary no dialog/ 49:41)
Film ini sebuah presentasi musik, yang melibatkan hal-hal sekitar yang nyata maupun yang katanya. Ruang lingkup yang diambil: arsitektur, leak, pecalang (aparat desa) yang biasanya merupakan pria, namun disini ditunjukkan sebagai persona wanita, dan tim produksi. Fokus utama film ini bukanlah pelaku musiknya melainkan kolaborasi keseluruhan yang menampilkan bagaimana produksi terjadi. Tentunya juga, terdapat narasi dari tiap lagu lewat visual yang menunjang arti/ konsep lagu, tanpa perlu dialog.
A musical presentation, which involves things around the real world as well as what told to be real. The film covers architecture, leak, pecalang (village officials) who are usually men, but here are shown as female persona, and the production team. The film’s main focus is not the musical actors but the overall collaboration that shows how the production takes place. Of course, there is a narrative of each song through visuals that supports the meaning / concept of the song, without any need for dialogue.
ROLLFAST is a heavy rock band from Bali, Indonesia, formed in early 2012. The five-piece is currently consists of vocalist Agha Paraditya, bassist Arya Triandana, drummer Ayrton Maurits Willem, and two guitarists Gungwah Brahmantia, and Bayu Krisna.
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